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Avenger Weed Killer is the best alternative to synthetic, toxic herbicides. Using a natural citrus oil base, this non-selective herbicide eliminates broadleaf, crab grass and other unwanted weeds naturally and quickly. Environmentally friendly and safe to use around children and pets.


• Avenger Organic Weed Killer Ready-To-Use 24 oz. MAA

$20.98 Regular Price
$18.88Sale Price

Avenger Organic and Natural Weed Killer is a non-selective, post-emergence herbicide that quickly and effectively kills weeds, grasses and broadleaves without causing harm to the environment.

The active ingredient d-limonene (citrus oil) naturally strips away the waxy plant cuticle, causing it to dehydrate and die. University and independent testing results prove that Avenger Weed Killer is as effective, but faster acting when compared against leading synthetic herbicides.

When tested against non-organic ‘natural’ herbicides that contain vinegar (acetic acid), citric acid, clove oil or fatty acids (soap), it is more effective with quicker results.

Great for use in & around: Gardens, Spot Control in Lawns, Shrubs, Flower Beds, Driveways, Sidewalks, Patios, Borders, Outside Walls, Mulch Beds, Gravel Beds, Mature Trees & Ornamentals, Greenhouses, Fencerows, Foundations, Buildings, Golf Courses, Athletic Fields, Parks & Recreation Areas, Bike & Hiking Trails, Kennels and Animal Enclosures.

Product Highlights

  • Fast acting – visible results in less than 2 hours
  • Highly biodegradable – dissipates quickly
  • Non-toxic, can be used in areas near people, pets and wildlife
  • Works in cool & cloudy conditions (as low as 40º F)
  • Does not stain brick, concrete or pavement
  • Emulsion technology – visually references your spray target
  • Sprayed areas can be planted within hours
  • Made from oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits.
  • A pleasant citrus aroma.
  • EPA registered & approved
  • Controls most weeds, grasses and broadleaves including: Spurge, Sowthistle, Redroot Pigweed, Tumbling Pigweed, Annual Bluegrass, Shepherd’s Purse, Common Purselane, Common Chickweed, Clover, Hairy Fleabane, Crabgrass, Smooth Crabgrass, Dandelion, Whitestem Filaree, Bermuda Grass, Bindweed, Shepherds Purse, Prickly Lettuce, Lambsquarters and Little Mallow
  • Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) listed product.  OMRI provides organic certifiers, growers, manufacturers, and suppliers an independent review of products intended for use in certified organic production, handling, and processing.
  • Approved for Use in Organic Gardening by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) National Organic Program (NOP) Rule
  • Approved by the Washington Organic Food Program (WSDA)
  • D-Limonene is Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) by the FDA  – essentially no measurable toxicity for certain uses
  • USDA IR-4 Project participant
  • Registered for sale in all 50 United States except South Dakota, Washington D.C., as well as the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico
  • Patented formula:  US 827368

Additional Information:

  • Environment: Outdoors, Crops, Orchards & Vineyards, Nursery

  • Application Rate:
    Small annual weeds:
    less than 6 inches, use 1:6 ratio (1 Part Avenger, 6 parts water) 
    Larger annual weeds: 
    above 6 inches, use 1:4 ½ (1 Part Avenger, 4 ½ parts water) 
    Hard to control weeds: 
    ivy and perennials, 1:3 ratio (1 Part Avenger, 3 parts water

  • Active Ingredients: d-Limonene (citrus oil), Castor Oil
  • Shelf Life: 2 years
  • Toxicity: No toxicity known
  • Certifications: OMRI, WSDA, EPA, USDA NOP
  • Storage: Store in original container

This patented formula works faster than the other leading weed killers, while being safe to children, animals, and the water supply. When Avenger Weed Killer is applied to weeds, it strips off the plant's waxy cuticle, and dehydrates the weed, killing it down to the root. Results are seen within hours. Weeds with a deep root system may require a second treatment or a stronger concentration.

How To Use: 

Shake or mix well before use.  Apply Nature's Avenger Organic to the foliage of the weeds, making sure that all of the foliage is thoroughly wet.  Thorough coverage is necessary to achieve desirable control.  It is best to apply when outdoor conditions are warm and sunny.  Coverage rate varies depending on size of weeds.

Note: All contacted vegetation is affected. Avoid contact with desirable plants. Over-spray or drift will injure or kill vegetation.  To limit spray area, try using a shielding apparatus to surround the weed.  Spray within the confines of the shield.  When removing the shield, do not allow drips to touch the leaves or blades of plants you wish to save.

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